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Learn more about how our program's objectives and goals in supporting students from underrepresented backgrounds.

NAARE Highlights

Next Up for the NAARE Program 

Upcoming events

As s the summer wraps up, the NAARE program will be hosting the NAARE-USC Annual Research Symposium to showcase our students' hard work in collaboration with the Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute (INI) at USC. This Fall semester, our NAARE scholars will also be sharing their research work at conferences around the country.

NAARE Annual Research Day and Graduation

NAARE students and faculty smiling outdoors

On May 10th, 2024, NAARE celebrated our Annual Research Day and Graduation Cermony for our first two cohorts. Read more about the event on the CSUF News Titan Spotlight .

NAARE Graduate School Visits

Scholars at graduate school visit

The NAARE program collaborated with UCI, UCSD, and UCLA to plan a campus visit to their respective campuses in March and April 2024. The NAARE scholars had the opportunity to explore each of the campuses and learn about the graduate programs offered.

NAARE Multimedia Curriculum Videos

Pacific Islander video thumbnail

More than 2500 students at CSUF watched NAARE multimedia curriculum in their classes. Understanding neurocognitive aging is critical to the health and well-being of our aging population and will greatly impact our world. Therefore, expanding our experience and knowledge of this field is imperative. Visit the NAARE curriculum page to learn more.

NAARE-ians Spotlight - Yonny Chavez


Our first NAARE-ian spotlight is Yonny Chavez from Cohort 1. Yonny's research experience is in biology and computational analysis with Drs. Cally Xiao, Archana McEligot and Arthur Toga on the Global Associated Alzheimer’s Network (GAAIN). His most valuable experience in the NAARE program is being able to create a network with fellow peers, PhD students, faculty, and researchers. “It was something that I instantly knew that I wanted to do," Yonny comments. "The rest is history.”

Learn more about Yonny's story.


NAARE Spring Semester Data Workshop Series

Data workshop series posters

The NAARE program hosted three data workshop series during the Spring Semester 2024. The NIH-funded workshops aimed to expose CSUF students to three data platforms from the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC), the Global Alzheimer's Association Interactive Network (GAAIN), and All of Us. Selected students who successful complete the workshop series received a $200.00 stipend. The workshop series will be open for enrollment again during Spring Semester 2025.