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Neurocognitive Aging and Analytics Research Education (NAARE)

Your opportunity to be part of a new and exciting research experience

The application is now open for Fall 2024.

Students and their advisors at a research conference, talking to each other or giving presentations

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  • Engage in neurocognitive aging research at CSUF and USC
  • Exposure to research methods, statistical and computational skills
  • Full-time paid summer experience at USC
  • Pathways to graduate school and careers
  • Become part of a research community and cohort
  • Networking opportunities

 CSUF-USC Research Experience:

  • Conduct research on neurocognitive aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease 
  • Exposure to one or more of the following areas: computation, neuroimaging, proteomics, genomics, population health and lifestyle data
  • Advanced neuroimaging, aging and data analytics summer research experience at USC
  • Research presentation, publication, and travel opportunities


  • Junior year standing, minimum 79 units
  • Interest in pursuing a research career
  • Concurrent or previous enrollment in any of the following: BIOL 101, PUBH 349, MATH 338 (or equivalent intro to statistics course) is recommended
  • Special considerations for disadvantaged groups facing challenges and individuals with disabilities.
  • Primarily for U.S. citizens or permanent residents

Open to full-time students majoring in public health , biology, mathematics, psychology , or other related areas


  • Fall 2024: Application process
  • Spring 2025: Research training (499) at CSUF
  • Summer 2025:  Full-time paid research internship at USC
  • Fall 2025:  Graduate pathways activities

Please review NAARE Program Timeline outlining program activities and reqirements.

An screen shot of the program timeline pdf

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How to apply?

Fill out the application form and submit by October 07, 2024

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What do you need for your application?

  • Your resume/CV
  • A brief personal statement about yourself which can include topics about family history, hardships and/or anything unique about yourself (300 words)
  • An interest statement about your experience and/or interest in neurocognitive aging, brain health research and other related topics (such as neuroscience, psychology, epidemiology, public health, statistics, computer science, and biostatistics), as well as your career goals (500 words).
  • Letter of recommendation is not required but is highly recommended. The letter must be emailed by the individual providing the recommendation to by October 07, 2024

For questions contact: NAARE ( or Dr. Archana McEligot ( 

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